Tuesday, January 11, 2005

"Us" vs. "Them" and the Governor of Washington

Blogging will be light even for me for a while as I will be busy working on what will be the largest financial transaction of my life so far. However, I did want to draw your attention to this post by the ever-irascible Kim du Toit regarding the difference between "liberals" and "conservatives."

Also check out Cox and Forkum's editorial comic regarding the gubernatorial election here in Washington State. There are definitely some irregularities, such as King County counting about 3500 more votes than there were voters, and the fact that "found" votes were counted in some counties but not in others. There is currently an effort to hold a new gubernatorial election. The organization is Revote Washington and they have taken out ads on the radio and in the newspapers. The Democrats were willing to push it as far as they could to get the result they wanted. I think the Republicans have every right to do the same. We slam the Democrats for going to court over stuff like this but, in this case, they started it by pushing and paying for the manual recount which just made the situation worse. I agree that we need a new election. I expect the Democrats will resist it to the utmost of their ability. We'll just have to wait and see if a court case is filed and, if so, what the result is.

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