Early yesterday morning, an aspiring actress from the Seattle area was shot and killed when she, her fiancee, and another couple were accosted by armed muggers.
Interesting that all the laws which make it illegal for average people in New York City to carry concealed handguns didn't prevent this thug from doing so.
Would the victim still be alive if she and/or those she was with had been armed? It's impossible to say. If, at the first sign of trouble, they had drawn their weapons I say it's likely the perps would have turned and run. Once the fatal shot was fired, however, all the guns in the world wouldn't have saved her, although they might have allowed one or more of the thugs to be brought to justice, either in court or in a grave. A more important question is whether or not they would have attempted the robbery at all if they knew there was a good chance their targets were armed.
How many times do we in the pro-defense community have to bring up the statistics that show an armed citizenry is a deterrent to violent crime before these pinhead leaders get the message? Of course, that's assuming that said pinheads really want what's best for their constituency rather than what's best for their statist aspirations. I'm sure a lot of people who support strong gun control are well-meaning, albeit mislead and misinformed. However, I believe that some, such as Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, and Chuck Schumer, are not interested in reducing gun violence so much as they are trying systematically to disarm the citizenry because they know that it's the best defense against a tyrannical government. Their socialist plans, if allowed to be implemented, would correctly be perceived as such a tyranny. And, though they may have deluded themselves into believing it's what's best for America, they still understand that it can't happen unless and until average citizens are no longer able to defend themselves effectively. They believe that average Americans are so ignorant or stupid that we won't be able to see the wisdom of the all-encompassing State they want to put in place and that we'll fight against it. Which we will, of course, not because we're stupid but because we will remain free even unto the gravest extreme. But we can only do that if we're armed. They know this, and they fear it.
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