Sunday, January 30, 2005

A time to celebrate

The most recent victory in the War on Terror was won earlier today when Iraqis went to the polls for the first time in decades to choose who will be their leaders in the time to come. The turnout so far has been even better than anticipated. Yes, there were some attacks, and some Iraqis and Americans were killed. But the feared bloodbath, with bombs going off in polling places all over the country killing hundreds or even thousands did not materialize. Iraqis faced their fear and walked to the polling places, some from many miles away, to exercise their franchise.

I'm not going to quote other bloggers, for I am sure there are far too many to do them all justice. Just hit the links in the blogroll and start looking and I'm sure you will find more than enough commentary from all of us who have looked forward to this day with hope and not a little trepidation.

To be certain, this is just another step, not the end of the journey by any means. The ballots must be counted, the government formed, and a constitution drafted. Ultimately, Iraq must become able to take responsibility for its own security. Our troops will stay; for how long is not known. Even then there will still be a US military presence in Iraq so that we can quickly bring the ultimate projection of political will to bear on any other nation in the region that it becomes necessary to confront in this war. Hopefully, Iraq will be the only one. Hopefully, Iran's mullahcracy will be toppled by internal forces. Hopefully, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan will continue their efforts to root out terrorists and deny them a haven in which to hide and train, and funding for their operations. Hopefully, Syria will get the message and do the same.

It's not over yet, not by a long shot, but a very large hurdle has just been overcome. Congratulations to the people of Iraq for having the courage to stand up and be counted. And thanks to all the coalition troops from all the various nations who have joined with us in the cause of liberty. Thanks to all of you we can now look to the future with renewed hope and sense of purpose. And to all those naysayers who said this election would never happen, that it was doomed to fail even before it began, I only have this to say:

In your face!!!!!

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