Friday, January 21, 2005

Targeting the Cos

In this installment of "Putting on my conspiracy hat" we have the latest news involving comedian Bill Cosby:
LOS ANGELES — A female acquaintance of comedian Bill Cosby has leveled an allegation against him that has prompted a police investigation in Philadelphia, the entertainer's attorney said Thursday.

Attorney Walter Phillips wouldn't discuss the specifics of the allegation but said it amounts to, at the most, "inappropriate touching."

When I first heard this, I couldn't help but speculate that this is an attempt to set up Cosby in response to his recent exhortations to the black community to start taking responsibility for themselves. This is in direct contradiction of civil rights "leaders" such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton who seem to want black people to wallow in their victimhood and put all the blame for everything bad that happens to them on the white oppressor, thus maintaining their own power and ensuring that their "job" is never actually finished.

Nah, that can't be right. I mean nothing like that has ever happened before, right?

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