Steve over at Hog on Ice nails it with respect to the Rice confirmation hearings:
The hearings were historic, mainly because it’s not that often that you get to see seven or eight Democrats slander and abuse a successful black woman. Not since they stopped wearing sheets. But then Condi isn’t black or female. She’s conservative, so NOW and the NAACP revoked her credentials. From now on, whenever she fills out a government form, she has to list herself as a white male, and in certain states she could also be forced to buy golf clubs.
The rest is just as good.
Cox and Forkum give their take on Senators Boxer and Kerry voting against Rice's confirmation.
If you ask me, I say they voted against her not because they didn't think she could do the job but because it was a symbolic jab at the President. They knew she was going to be confirmed; they even said so themselves during the hearing. But they had to get in this dig so that they could continue at least the illusion of relevancy.
If only the people of California would finally realize what a rank hypocrite Barbara Boxer is. After all, as Steve says:
Boxer put on a fine show going after Condoleezza Rice the other day at the confirmation hearings. She said, "I personally believe—this is my personal view—that your loyalty to the mission you were given, to sell this war, overwhelmed your respect for the truth." We all know how loyalty to a cause can make us forget our integrity. For example, a whiny feminist crone might support a Democrat President disbarred for lying and credibly accused of rape. Or she might vote for every hysteria-based, estrogen-reeking anti-gun law put in front of her, while holding one of California’s few carry permits.
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