Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Some folks you just can't reach (or can you?)

Remember how, during the aftermath of last year's hurricanes in the Gulf, some citizens had their firearms confiscated by local law enforcement? The Second Amendment Foundation and the National Rifle Association filed a federal lawsuit that resulted in a restraining order and then an injunction. New Orleans Police Superintendent Warren Riley apparently had forgotten about it already:
During a live interview with a New Orleans radio station, Riley acknowledged that citizens may, under state law, carry firearms. He said, however, that police will confiscate firearms, and may arrest people, arguing that "During an exigent circumstance like that, we cannot allow people to walk the street carrying guns.”

In response, the Second Amendment Foundation is calling on Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to investigate Riley.
"We believe Riley’s decision is a flagrant disregard of the federal court action, Louisiana state law and both the Louisiana and federal constitutional protections of the right to keep and bear arms,” [SAF Founder Alan] Gottlieb said in his letter to Gonzales.

"We’re writing to General Gonzales in an effort to prevent Riley and officers under his command from committing the same egregious civil rights violations they did last year,” Gottlieb explained. "It is outrageous that Riley would plan such actions when he knows they violate both state law and the state and federal constitutions. His claim that ‘exigent circumstances’ would allow such confiscations is preposterous.

"We are forced to address this issue to Attorney General Gonzales because we know that anti-gun Mayor Ray Nagin would never tell Riley to relay that order, nor would the mayor fire Riley for willfully violating the firearms civil rights of his constituents,” he said.

I said "had forgotten" because, while writing this post, I checked out the SAF website and found this press release:
Within two hours of an announcement that the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) was calling for a Justice Department investigation of New Orleans Police Superintendent Warren Riley’s plan to confiscate guns again if a major storm hits the city this year, SAF learned that Riley has backed off.

“Somehow,” said SAF founder Alan Gottlieb, “I don’t believe this is a coincidence. Earlier this year, as our attorneys were about to enter a motion for contempt against Riley and New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin in federal court, the city finally admitted that it did have hundreds of seized firearms in its possession. That came after months of denial the city had taken guns from anybody.

“Now, days after Riley told a New Orleans radio station that he was planning another gun grab,” Gottlieb continued, “we have him suddenly back pedaling almost immediately after we announce our complaint to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.

Kudos to the Second Amendment Foundation and let this be a wakeup call to law enforcement officials everywhere.

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