Friday, June 16, 2006

More MSM hypocrisy

Via Boortz comes further evidence of the mainstream media's double-standard. On June 9, Isreal was alleged to have fired a rocket onto a Gaza beach, resulting in the deaths of seven Palistinian civilians. The story was everywhere; the New York Times printed a picture of a young girl searching for her father, presumably one of those killed in the explosion.
Just another brutal attack on civilians by the Israel Defense Forces? So we are invited to conclude. But the IDF, after initially apologizing and offering assistance to the families of those killed, has now investigated and concluded that the explosion was not caused by an Israeli shell. Full stop.

The deaths were tragic, but the IDF was not at fault. Read the whole article as Ms. Charen presents considerable evidence of the mainstream media's selective reporting. In the end, she sums it up perfectly:
Two weeks ago, I was critical of those who leaped to conclusions about what happened at Haditha. It now looks as though news from Haditha may have been manipulated -- just as news from the Palestinian territories routinely is. The western press falls for these scams again and again. Their credulity betrays their partiality and it dishonors them.

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