Sunday, June 25, 2006

Britain continues its descent beneath the waves

Theodore Dalrymple, writing at City Journal, notes that in Britain, "In a strange inversion of proper priorities, important matters are taken lightly and trivial ones taken seriously."

He provides tow examples of the former, two examples of the latter, and a further example of, as he says, "the soft and creeping totalitarianism that comes with unctuous offers of benefits and avowals of purity of intention, rather than the boot-in-the-face variety of Orwell’s description."

Unfortunately, Britain may be beyond hope, and it may take a true revolution for it to be put right. But there's certainly no guarantee. It's the frog in the pot on the stove and the water's already near the boiling point. We can only hope that enough Brits awaken to and understand the danger before it's too late.

And just because it's happening "over there" doesn't mean we're not in danger of the same thing happening here. We're well on the way, though we're still some distance back. We also have the advantage of having experienced a true revolution that birthed our nation, and the examples of Britain and others to observe and, hopefully, learn from. I fear less for this country than I do for Britain, but I fear nonetheless. But my voice is only one in a growing chorus, and that gives me hope.

Hat tip to unixronin, a British expat who will hopefully take the oath of citizenship soon.

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