To these guys, winning office is more important than the sanctity of elections. Holding power is more important than the Constitution. Much as I despise at least half of what most Republicans stand for, they don't seem nearly as willing to trash the system they're trying to run. Too many Democrats, especially at the national level, just don't care that our system, our nation is far more important than any single election.
I don't mean to say that Republicans haven't used dirty tricks, or won't in the future. But I have yet to see them pull anything as crass as replacing a losing candidate with a more-popular one just weeks before election day, and in violation of state law. I have yet to see Republicans calling on the world's most corrupt international organization, run largely by apparatchiks from the world's most brutal dictatorships, to pass judgment on how we run our elections. I have yet to see the Republicans encouraging their own to commit fraud by shouting "Fraud!" where none yet exists, putting at risk everything we've built here in the last 228 years.
Now, I know this is an angry essay. However, I don't mean to imply that all Democrats are evil and all Republicans are sweetness and light. Far from it. But for the first time in 16 years, I'm going to vote Republican straight down the line. If I have to punish a couple of local Democrats I'm fond of, then so be it, but I have to try to get a point across: The national Democratic Party is bad for this country.
Now there have also been reports of voter registration problems/fraud on the part of Republicans. See here. However, this "Election Day Manual," if it's authentic, would represent a systematic, nationwide, centrally-coordinated effort on the part of the Democratic Party to undermine the electoral process. When you combine it with the other activities listed by Green in his post, as well as the incidents of vandalism and thuggery against Bush supporters by union members and others that support Kerry, it paints a picture of a national organization that is willing to stoop as low as it takes to gain power. They're so convinced that they're right that the ends justify any means.
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