Saturday, October 23, 2004

Another washed-up artist misses an opportunity

According to the Drudge report, Cher had this to say:
"All the gay guys, all my friends, all my gay friends, you guys you have got to vote, alright? Because it would only be a matter of time before you guys would be so screwed, I cannot tell you. Because, you know, the people, like, in the very right wing of this party, of these Republicans, the very very right wing, the Jerry Falwell element, if they get any more power, you guys are going to be living in some state by yourselves. So, I hate scare tactics, but I really believe that that's true."

"I think that as Bush will, if Bush gets elected, he will put in new Superior Court judges, and these guys are not going to want to see gay pride week."

This, of course, is pure fear-mongering. While it's no secret that Bush opposes gay marriage, the idea that all gays would be rounded up and placed in a single state is over the top. It's like me saying something like this:
"All the gun rights supporters, all my friends, all my gunny friends, you guys you have got to vote, alright? Because it would only be a matter of time before you guys would be so screwed, I cannot tell you. Because, you know, the people, like, in the very left wing of this party, of these Democrats, the very very left wing, the Diane Feinstein element, if they get any more power, you guys are going to be living in prison. So, I hate scare tactics, but I really believe that that's true."

"I think that as Kerry will, if Kerry gets elected, he will put in new Superior Court judges, and these guys are not going to want to see people able to defend themselves from criminals or their government."

Actually, on second thought, that's entirely plausible. Certainly more so than what Cher is shoveling.

So, once again, we have some "star" that feels she has to inject her political opinion into her art and believes that her celebrity somehow imbues her words with greater veracity. Well, she has that right, and many have died to ensure that she retains that right. And I have the right to say that I think she should have taken this opportunity to shut up about politics and just sing her songs. Because she didn't, I will exercise my right not to listen to her music, buy her cd's, or contribute financially to her in any way, shape, or form. In the words of Alice Cooper, she's yet another treasonous moron (traitor to Rock and Roll, that is, for those who don't feel like clicking the link). Perhaps now that her career is winding down she's doing this in a desperate attempt to remain relevant. Nice try.

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