Tuesday, October 05, 2004

The meaning of it all

My one or two faithful readers (yeah, right, I wish I had that many) have probably noticed that I haven't been posting as often as in times past. The reason for this is that I'm getting sorta burned out on the whole political thing. I feel like I'm banging my head against the wall. There was a part of me that thought I could present valid, coherent arguments which would at least make those who hold vastly differing opinions from mine re-evaluate their positions.

For the most part that is, of course, total folly.

By now most people have probably already decided who they are going to vote for and nothing that either candidate says or does, or that any blogger says, has much chance at all of changing their minds. This includes me. I personally can't think of Bush saying or doing anything, at least anything that isn't totally at odds with the man I believe him to be, that is going to change my opinion that there's no way he can be worse than Kerry. I disagree with Bush on several issues, but I disagree with Kerry on far more. I'd probably vote for Bush even if Kerry wasn't a political see-saw who sacrificed his own honor, and that of his fellow soldiers, to advance his political career.

There's also the whole time factor. I sometimes get so caught up in reading other blogs and posting to this one that I worry about spending enough time on the rest of my life, like doing the job I'm being paid to do. I could easily spend many hours each day reading the words of other bloggers. Instead, I've lately tapered off quite a bit and reduced my regular blogs to about five or so.

I don't know how long this will last. Once the election happens, the dynamic of the blogosphere is going to change dramatically, regardless of who wins. Perhaps then I'll have a lot more to say since we'll be dealing with the actions of the president-elect and no longer rehashing the candidates' pasts. I'm also considering changing the name of the blog to something I hope will be a bit more clever. "Musings of a Techno-Geek" was something that I came up with off the cuff without much thought and, especially after reading Harvey's words on the subject, I think I want a name that I've put more thought and effort into creating. We'll see. I have a couple of ideas; I just don't know of any of them are "it."

I promise I'm not going to go away. I just won't be popping my head up as often as I used to.

(Of course, now that I've written this, I'll probably get several bugs up my butt and engage in a posting frenzy.)

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