Tuesday, October 26, 2004

It is done

Here in Washington State, you can request permanent absentee votor status and you will receive a ballot in the mail for every election. Yesterday, I filled out my ballot and mailed it in this morning. For the first time in a few years I did not vote for the Libertarian candidate when one was available. I pretty much voted a straight Republican ticket except for one race where I voted Libertarian. In that case, I personally know the candidate and think she'd do a good job, at least as good as either the Republican or Democrat candidates.

I voted the way I did because, this time around, I think there's a chance the Republicans could win at least some of the races. For example, Republican George Nethercutt is running against Democrat Patty Murray for Senate. Nethercutt has been a member of the House of Representatives for several years and is the one who defeated Tom Foley, at the time Speaker of the House, back in 1994. He ran on a platform that included term limits and vowed to serve only three terms. He hasn't kept that promise, obviously, and I'm disappointed in that. However, Patty Murray would, if given the chance, strike the Second Amendment from the Constitution and that is an unforgivable sin. To be honest I still think Murray will win, but I'm hoping that it's at least a close race.

Unlike past elections, this time I believe that it's more important to vote for the viable candidate who most closely matches my views than to vote for a non-viable candidate that is the closest match of all. This election is going to set the tone for the next four years, and probably longer. It's important that this tone is at least palatable because the alternative certainly isn't.

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