Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Putting on my conspiracy hat

Kerry seems to be doing a lot of things that seem not to be helping with his campaign. His reaction to the Swiftvets, his obvious flip-flopping on the Iraq war, his midnight tirade against the Republicans after Bush's acceptance speech. I'm wondering if Kerry is subtly or not-so-subtly trying to throw the election. Oh, I know it's extremely unlikely but it's still entertaining to consider the possibility. If it is true, then why is he doing it? I can think of a couple reasons:

  1. He doesn't really want the job.

  2. He's doing it because it serves the greater overall strategy of the Democratic party.

If it's the latter, than there's one possibility that immediately comes to mind for just what that strategy is: installing Hillary in the White House in 2008. Neal Boortz has long indicated his belief that the Clintons will sabotage the Kerry campaign for this reason. Here's the breakdown:

Scenario 1: Kerry loses in November.
If this happens, Hillary can run in 2008 and won't be facing an incumbent. Under this scenario, Hillary runs at the earliest opportunity while keeping her promise to serve the entirety of her first Senate term.

Scenario 2: Kerry wins in November.
If this happens, he will run again in 2008 as the incumbent. Hillary's run will be postponed until at least 2012.

Scenario 2.1: Kerry wins in 2008.
Under this scenario, Edwards would probably be the nominee in 2012, pushing Hillary's run out to 2016 if he loses or probably 2020 if he wins.

Scenario 2.2: Kerry loses in 2008.
Hillary could run in 2012 but she would likely be facing an incumbent Republican.

As you can see, the only way Hillary runs before 2012, and the only way that she won't likely face an incumbent Republican before 2016, is if Kerry loses in November and Hillary runs in 2008.

Like I said, this isn't likely; it's more an exercise in speculation. But you never know....

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