Wednesday, September 22, 2004

A more immediate climatological problem

I'm referring to the climate of fear described in the linked post as:
Many Republicans are afraid to put Bush-Cheney bumper stickers on their cars or signs on their lawns because they are afraid of physical retaliation from angry liberals.

(Emphasis in original)

I've seen it myself, as described in my Bush/Cheney Sign Watch series of posts. In fact, there's more in that saga. The sign, and the smaller signs decrying vandalism, were recently brutally destroyed once again. They have been replaced with a new lone Bush/Cheney sign that appears to be of the hand-made variety. It has survived a few days so far but we'll see how long it lasts.

I have not observed any instances of vandalism to cars or property, just the signs themselves. Yet I still wonder how well my car would fare if I were to put a bumper sticker on it showing support for Bush. I contemplate replying to slogans on bumper stickers that support Kerry or are critical of Bush with some sort of flyer, but I would never consider defacing the sticker or otherwise damaging the car.

I'm not saying all Democrats will do this. The vast majority of them are decent people who respect the law and other people's rights. It's unfortunate that this vocal and violent minority is out there casting the entire left in a bad light.

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