Thursday, September 09, 2004

Bush/Cheney sign watch: and the story continuums

(Bonus points for anyone who gets the reference in the post title)

I didn't post about it but the sign got whacked again a few days ago. It was replaced with another of the hand-made signs. There are also a couple of the same Bush/Cheney signs on the main street near my house that have been similarly whacked or spray painted.

On the way to work this morning I saw a couple of guys working to replace the sign which had been whacked yet again. They had also put up a small sign sticking off to the side of the big one that says "No to vandalism." I honked my horn as I passed (at about 5 mph as traffic sucked) and gave them a thumbs-up.

They say dissent is patriotic. I agree that principled dissent surely is. However, vandalism is not dissent; it is criminal behavior. These particular acts of vandalism are aimed at preventing the exercise of free speech and therefore I consider such behavior patently unpatriotic. It is thuggery, plain and simple.

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