Friday, August 06, 2004


Take a look at this political cartoon by Cox and Forkum.

I note that the "Moderate Muslim" is standing outside the glass case looking in. The implication is that such Muslims are almost as Mythical as the creatures in the case. Perhaps he is contemplating whether or not he belongs in the case. Actually drawing the Muslim in the case would have been very blatant and would likely have drawn an outcry from the Muslim community. C and F deftly avoid that and still make their point with this subtle bit of placement.

The truth is that there are Muslims in this country and in others who are denouncing the acts of terrorists but, in my opinion at least, those voices are far too few. As Harry Binswanger, quoted in C and F's post, says:
Whatever it says or doesn't say in the Koran, there is something terribly wrong with a religion whose adherents fail to be heard in the 3 years after an attack of this magnitude made in their name.

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