Sunday, August 22, 2004

Michelle Malkin screws up

Okay, I'm going to do something that may surprise my two regular readers. I'm going to link to a post at Oliver Willis' blog. Of course, I'm not agreeing with everything he is saying but I did watch the video that he links to and Michelle Malkin, in her appearance on Hardball, did not do a good job of answering Chris Matthews' question.

They were talking about the allegations that the wound for which John Kerry received one of his Purple Hearts was self-inflicted. When Chris challenged Michelle about it, asking if she was saying Kerry shot himself on purpose, she became flustered and was unable to catch the real meaning of Chris's question. Here's how I would answer it.
Chris Matthews: Self-inflicted? Are you saying that Kerry shot himself on purpose?
Me: No, I'm saying that the account presented by Swiftboat Veterans for Truth is that he suffered an accidental wound when a grenade he fired exploded close enough to hit him with a small piece of shrapnel. If true, the wound was self-inflicted, but not done on purpose.

If the video doesn't work for you, since Oliver has it set up as an embedded object rather than a link, you can get the video directly through this link. On my system, the .mp4 extension is currently associated with Real Player, but it can't play the file. Quicktime plays the file fine, though, so you can download the file (right-click the link and choose Save As or whatever your browser offers) and then open it in Quicktime Player.

Update: I just finished reading Michelle's post about the show in her own blog. She makes the case that she was effectively ambushed by Matthews. I still maintain she made a mistake in not simply stating right away that self-inflicted didn't mean on purpose. She should have come right out and said that first thing and then continued on with what she wanted to say. However, that certainly doesn't excuse the tactics used by Chris Matthews in his interview, nor especially the fact that he hadn't even looked at the book before grilling Michelle about it.

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