Wednesday, August 11, 2004

A picture is worth a thousand words

But are those words necessarily the truth?

Perusing this post by Jon Henke at QandO I encountered an old college yearbook picture of George Bush playing rugby and, as stated by the photo's caption, delivering an "illegal but satisfying right hook to opposing team's ball carrier." Jon does his usual good job of analyzing the photo and comes to a different conclusion as to what was actually happening at the time the photo was taken.

As expected, the left side of the Blogosphere™ has gone full-goose bozo over this photo, crying "See? See? This proves that George Bush has never played fair! It's proof of his bad character!"

The key difference between their attacks based on this photo, and the attacks on Kerry's Viet Nam record is that Bush is not using his college rugby career as the centerpiece of his campaign. He is not pointing to it as proof of his qualifications to be president.

All this shows is that these people are desperate and they're grasping at straws. John Cole reinforces this interpretation.

Jon goes on to catch Atrios in yet another double-standard that is so characteristic of the left. All I can say is I'm glad Jon Henke and John Cole are on this side.

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