Monday, August 23, 2004


While reading Kim's post about his pride in helping yet another person join the Nation of Riflemen, I was reminded about something that happened a few years ago at the gun range.

A coworker of mine and I both worked for the same company prior to moving to our current jobs. He and I are both armed citizens and have gone to the range together on several occasions. One day, we offered to take three of our former coworkers to the range. What's interesting is that two of them are from other countries; one from Australia and one from Canada. None of the three had ever shot a gun before.

We met them at the range. I brought my Glock 19 (my only gun at the time) and my friend brought a couple of his guns. When it came for the Canadian's turn, I instructed him on how to hold my gun, how to aim it, and how to squeeze the trigger rather than pull it.

The man is a natural. I just stood there and watched as he put all ten rounds in the black. His spread was about the same as I can do, maybe a bit better. I watched him shoot and he was totally relaxed and steady. His accuracy went down a little after that, but not much. My understanding is that it's normal for a new shooter to become less accurate at first as he tries to refine his technique.

Of course, he's a product of his home society so he believes that private ownership of guns is not necessary. It's just very ironic that someone who is so comfortable with gun control has such good control of a gun.

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