Saturday, June 13, 2015

Oh bloody hell....

Looks like I'm going to have to pull this old blog out of mothballs and restore it to fighting trim. As the 2016 presidential race heats up, and with all sorts of other, shall we say, interesting events going on - both related to said race and not - I find myself with something I actually want to say.

Thing is, the place I usually say such things is one where I'm known by my actual name. I have to be careful, lest it blow back on me. I think I'd probably be okay with my employer but, should I say something that the powers that be there reflect badly on the company, they're well within their rights to reprimand me or even let me go. And that's just as it should be.

So I'm dusting this site off, giving it a fresh coat of paint, straightening the pictures on the walls, inflating the tires, clearing away the cobwebs, and whatever other metaphors you can think to mash together. Will I be posting regularly? Will I be coherent? Will anyone read it? Will anyone care? These are all questions yet to be answered.

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