Thursday, October 23, 2008

What the media won't report, part the Nth

I know I'm a bit late to this but Joe Biden sure is an entertaining fellow. Here we see him displaying his prodigious skills as a singer and dancer.

Okay, that's no big deal. He's just a guy enjoying himself in the great outdoors and it's okay if he has a couple beers or other adult beverages as long as he drinks responsibly.

However, take a look at this one.

Can you imagine what would happen if Sarah Palin was so clearly sloshed at an official campaign event? It would be on the front page of the New York Times, hell it would be the front page! It would be all over MSNBC, CNN, AP, you name it. It'd even be on Fox News though they might actually play the above video to balance it out.

But have we heard anything about it other than on conservative websites and talk radio? Nope, nada, zip, zero. No surprise, either.

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