Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Predictable results?

Almost exactly four years ago, I speculated as to what would happen if Bush won the election:

Should Bush win the election, I believe there will be considerable civil unrest, probably outright rioting. I think it likely there will be blood and almost certainly considerable property damage. This is on top of the flood of lawsuits that will certainly be filed by Democrats and their lawyers in a nationwide effort to overturn the results of the election.

Thankfully it turned out I was wrong, though that may be due in part to the fact that Bush not only received more electoral votes, he also received an outright majority of the popular vote. There were the expected claims of fraud and voter intimidation but they didn't really go anywhere.

But if that election was contentious, it's got nothing on the one we're about to experience. Given the extremely partisan nature of this campaign and, yes, the issue of race, I predict that a McCain victory will result in significant civil unrest and possibly rioting on some scale.

Saying that riots may occur, by the way, is not racist as it is based solely on previous experience with racially charged events. Besides in this case, again based previous experience, I don't think that the rioting will be at all limited to people of any particular ethnicity.

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