Wednesday, June 22, 2005

That's interesting...

Most nights before I go to bed I check up on the collection of webcomics that I read regularly. Most of them update at midnight eastern time and, as I am out here in Washington State, that means that tomorrow's comics are usually available at around 9:00 pm.

One of the comics that I read is Day by Day, authored by Chris Muir. Today's comic (Wednesday, June 22; direct links don't appear to be working at this time) was slightly different when I read it last night than it is now. The text in the last panel was changed some time during the night. Currently, the last panel of the comic has the Iraqi gentleman asking the US soldiers, "Ah. They sacrifice their lives to pay for their cause." The one soldier replies, "No, they pretty much leave that to everyone else."

The original said something else. I'm pulling this from memory so it's probably not completely correct but, as I remember, the Iraqi said "Ah. So they have made the ultimate sacrifice." The soldier's reply was, "Nah, they're still hanging with Durbin."

I can only speculate on what led Mr. Muir to make this change but I'm guessing it's the fact that, last night, Senator Richard Durbin of Illinois went before the Senate and apologized for his words of several days back comparing the conditions and interrogation activities at Guantanamo Bay to the Nazi death camps, the Soviet gulags, and the Cambodian killing fields.

I'm of somewhat mixed feelings on this. It's Mr. Muir's comic and he has every right to alter his work as he sees fit. On the other hand, it happened apparently without any notification or comment on his part, at least that I can find on his site. I would have liked him to put a short note on his page saying what he did and why. Perhaps he will do so later; I'll keep my eyes open.

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