Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Walk on....

Today's installment of "The Hypocricy of the Left" is brought to you by the letter 'D' and Joe Kelly, who writes about his experience at the Tenth Annual Talk Radio Seminar. His write-up is interesting and I recommend you check it out if you listen to talk radio at all. However, the part I want to focus on has to do with a couple of people who were at the conference. First of all, the set-up:
The keynote speaker for breakfast was not Dr. Laura, but liberal radio newcomer Al Franken.


But, I must admit that Franken’s address was probably the most entertaining. He was witty, funny, self-deprecating, and seemingly sincere. He ribbed both Hannity and Rush, with an amusing impersonation of the latter. He told the story of his USO tours to Iraq and Afghanistan. He choked up as he told of meeting amputee soldiers at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. He is an actor, yes, but aren’t we all?

And now the payoff:
Every single time I walked back and forth between hotels, I adhered strictly to the controls and never crossed until given the signal to do so. As I made my final walk back to the hotel to check out and prepare to take my taxi ride back to LAX, I stood waiting at the final cross walk for the signal to turn. While I stood waiting with a handful of tourists, I saw from the corner of my eye two people who briskly walked out into traffic against the signal. I chuckled as I realized it was none other than Al Franken and liberal talker Stephanie Miller.

Laws are good for thee, but not for me, it seems is the mantra of the liberal talkers. I don’t know if anyone else would have noticed the irony that these two activists are absolutely the kind of people who will campaign for greater government involvement in our lives, yet don’t adhere to the same regulations that they sought.

Any morsel of respect I had gained for Franken from his address moments earlier had completely gone out the window at viewing his callous and arrogant disregard for simple government regulations that were implemented for greater public safety.

You can't make this stuff up because nobody will believe you unless you can back it up with eyewitness testimony. It's so blatant and obvious that people will assume you're lying and trying to smear the character of those you're talking about.

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