Friday, March 04, 2005

Drawing a line in the sand

So, it looks like the Federal Election Commission is looking to start "crack(ing) down on blogging."

The GeekWithA.45 has some words to say on the subject:
I am an American, and this is my soapbox, and I will write whatever the hell I want, link to whatever the hell I want, and copy snippets and excerpts of whatever the hell I want.

The ever-irascible Kim du Toit and The Everlasting Phelps put it much more succinctly:
Fuck you.

The Geek has called for a "McCain-Feingold insurrection." I hereby add my voice to the growing chorus. Let it be known throughout the land:

This is my personal weblog and what I post here are my own personal opinions, in accordance with my sacred rights as protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. This weblog is supported and maintained entirely by me, utilizing the services of private corporations. I will write what I want, link to what I want, and excerpt whatever I want subject to the fair use provisions of copyright law. You will not tell me what I can and cannot say here. If you don't like it, don't read it. It is no different than me sitting in a coffee shop and talking with other people. If you think that you can regulate that speech, if you think that you can come in and try to shut me up, then you will bring us one step closer to the necessity of refreshing the tree of liberty with that which it occasionally needs. And should it prove the final step, then may God help you, even though I know he won't.

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