Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Birth of a nation

Via Harvey at Bad Example (Hi Harv!) comes the link to this amazing photo montage of Iraqis voting in a free election. The link is directly to the video in WMV format.

He links as well to the post at The Zoo where he found the video link. The author, krakatoa, said some important words, some few of which I reproduce here:
More importantly than what we did, the Iraqi people, slowly, cautiously, began to hope again, and began to act on that hope.

One can not be surprised that their words and actions have been guarded in light of so many factors: The loss of trust after the '91 debacle. Our own recent elections, where the opposition party would give no assurances of seeing Iraq through to liberty against the region's tyrants. Indeed, many of our opposition vowing we would leave Iraq to its fate alone if Kerry won. Europe, led by France and Germany, constantly preaching the refrain that removing Saddam was a mistake. The Arab community, full of intrigue and violent resolve, financing, arming and even manning the terrorist militias. And tying it all together, the world Press, ignoring 10 positive stories to sieze on 1 setback, painting the prospect of free elections in Iraq as merely the neo-con pipe dream of a simple-minded Cowboy.

When I went to bed the night before the elections I had no small measure of trepidation. What if it doesn't go well? What if the efforts to protect the polling places fail miserably and the terrorists succeed in creating the bloodbath they so desperately wanted?

Then came the morning and, when I turned on the news, I could not help but exult in the knowledge that the worst had not happened and, indeed, it had turned out even better than I had hoped. I don't believe it is hyperbole to use such words as exultation and rejoicing. It was clear in the video of Iraqis dancing for joy in the streets that they were feeling those very emotions.

<mode="captain metaphor">
That night, while I slept, the old Iraq was finally and inalterably destroyed. The new Iraq, like a phoenix from the ashes, arose and took its first unsteady steps, gaining confidence as does a foal as it learns to walk and then, ultimately, to run with the wind.

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