Monday, June 21, 2004

What Clinton is about

As anyone even remotely tuned into the news knows by now, the autobiography of Bill Clinton, titled "My Life," will be available tomorrow. The media blitz is already underway. However, it looks like not all of the media is totally gaga over this book. The New York Times online review says:
The book, which weighs in at more than 950 pages, is sloppy, self-indulgent and often eye-crossingly dull — the sound of one man prattling away, not for the reader, but for himself and some distant recording angel of history.

Hat tip to Neal Boortz for the link. Speaking of which, he once again lays out his theory of why Clinton is releasing the book now, and also doing something else that may surprise some:
Bill Clinton says he does not believe that President Bush went to war in Iraq over oil or for imperialist reasons, but out of a belief that large quantities of weapons of mass destruction were unaccounted for. In other words, Slick Willie is backing President Bush over Iraq.

As for why he is doing these things, Boortz says that it's all part of the plan to put Hillary in the White House as soon as possible. I agree with the reasoning, provided the motivation is correct. But I had forgotten one thing which has to do with what happens if Kerry wins in both 2004 and 2008. I figured that, if he won in 2004, Hillary would have to wait until 2012, but no later, since Kerry would be the nominee in 2008. What I forgot was that, if Kerry wins in 2008 also, then his VP would likely be the nominee in 2012, thereby pushing out Hillary's run to 2016 or even 2020.

I can't *prove* that the Clintons are deliberately trying to sabotage Kerry's campaign. It's an educated guess based on extrapolation of their previous behavior and their known desire to make Hillary the first woman president. But I do think the probability that it's true is rather high. The theory is certainly consistent with the facts.

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