Thursday, June 24, 2004

The thought occurs....

Many of those who oppose the war do so in part because they believe the United States is trying to create an empire and take over the world. The truth is that the United States is the only power in history with the capability to rule the world that has simply refused to do so. Many of them also believe that the president is trying to implement a Christian theocracy in this country, despite the clear prohibition of this in the First Amendment. Any attempt to legislate such a theocracy, or impose it by presidential fiat, would be struck down by the Supreme Court, not to mention fought vigorously by most of the very conservatives the left thinks want it to come about. It's one thing to recognize the influence of religion, especially Christianity, in shaping our nation and the ideals it represents, and there's nothing wrong with our elected officials, and those that they appoint, to acknowledge the role that their faith has in shaping their beliefs and actions. To do otherwise would be dishonest. It's quite another thing to elevate religious doctrine above the law of the land. Just remember it's freedom *of* religion, not freedom *from* religion. And this means all religions, not just Christianity.

Our enemies, on the other hand, make no secret of their desire to conquer the world in the name of their god and their religion, and either kill us all, enslave us, or force us to convert. If left to their own devices, they will continue to work toward this end until they succeed. They want the restoration of the Caliphate, a theocratic dictatorship, ruled over by the religious elite. Under their rule there would be no freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to peaceably assemble, freedom to petition the government for redress of grievances, etc. In short, the freedoms we take for granted in this country would all be swept away. Women would be subjugated. Gays and lesbians would be persecuted, if not executed outright. All of the social progress of the last century would be reversed and we would be plunged back into the middle ages.

Those that believe that no one power should rule the world, let alone one based on religion, would do well to reconsider just who they are supporting in this conflict.

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