Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Shoot all the clowns

The sub-title of this piece by Michael Moran at MSNBC.com is, "When the going gets tough, the messenger gets shot."

This implies that the messenger, in this case the media, is impartially delivering the news and that he is being shot because the news is bad.

Wrong-o. We're upset because there's both good news and bad news and the media is only delivering the bad. And it's doing so in such a way as to make President Bush and his administration look as bad as possible.

Imagine if Phedippedes, after having run back to Athens from the Battle of Marathon, had said, "The Persians forced back the center of our line and we lost 192 men, including Archon Callimachus," but forgot to mention that the Greeks had won the battle and routed the Persians who were, even now sailing to Athens to attack directly and get some payback for their 6000 dead. (The Greek army returned from Marathon in time to forestall the attack.)

Stephen Den Beste has more here.

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