Friday, May 07, 2004

OMG! She's back!

Many of us here in the so-called Blog-sphere/Blogosphere/whatever-you-wanna-call-it were dismayed when Rachel Lucas announced that she was going to discontinue blogging. Eventually, her URL led to only an empty page. The other day, Tuning Spork and Misha posted reveries about Ms. Lucas. I can't add anything to what they said except that she was also one of the first bloggers I read daily and who inspired me to write my own posts on the topics of the day; first on my LJ account and then here.

Then I get up this morning and I encounter this post by Misha which led me to this wonderful news. As she says, she won't have the time she had before, but we can now look forward to some choice rants from one of the best in the business.

And now it's off to add Rachel Lucas back to the blog roll.

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