Tuesday, March 09, 2004

From this article at SFGate.com:
John Kerry is determined not to lose Florida's 27 electoral votes in a swamp of recounts and recriminations this fall, vowing to mount an early legal challenge in any district that might repeat the problems that bedeviled Democratic supporters in 2000.

Responding to a voter who asked, "What can you do to prevent them from stealing the election again?", Kerry, a lawyer and former Massachusetts prosecutor, said his campaign was assembling a legal team to examine districts that had problems.

"Districts with problems" in this case being defined as, "districts where Kerry is not winning." Here's more:
"We're going to pre-check it, we're going to have the legal team in place. ... We're going to take injunctions where necessary ahead of time. We'll pre-challenge if necessary," the four-term Massachusetts senator said.

I'm looking forward to seeing just which districts this occurs in. How much you wanna bet it happens in every district where Bush has a close lead, if not every district that Bush is winning regardless of the spread?

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