Monday, January 28, 2013

Stark difference

Via Breitbart comes this news out of San Diego, CA:
San Diego Police Chief William Lansdowne is fully supportive of the Obama/Feinstein gun grab, and says if lawmakers play it right Americans can be completely disarmed within "a generation."
Contrast this with the statements from various sheriffs around the country which I've posted about. And thus we see the difference between law enforcement officials who are elected, the sheriffs, and those that are politically appointed.

Although I don't have independent corroboration of it, I bet the following comment made to this post at Free Republic is accurate:
I just got off the phone w/a Sergeant at the San Diego Police Department. I will not disclose his name. However, he said that I was the 1025 caller and the officers in the police department DO NOT support this opinion. The Sergeant was very pleasant and emphasized several times that the cops on the front lines understand the importance of our Second Amendment Rights. If anyone wants to call the phone # is 619-531-2777. BTW, the chief of police job is an appointed position made by the major of San Diego.
I wonder what the opinion of San Diego County Sheriff Bill Gore is. The only thing I've found so far is a link on Google to a page that is no longer available but which contains a quote saying he believes people should be able to own guns but supports universal background checks. I guess we'll see what happens if and when the SDPD starts confiscating people's property.

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