Saturday, November 29, 2008

Love Affair

Ah, how sweet.

It started with the fist bump seen ’round the world. Soon there were stories of rousing family Scrabble battles and date nights, in spite of election mayhem. Then President-elect Barack Obama referred to his wife Michelle as “the love of my life” during his election night victory speech, embracing her tightly and kissing her afterwards, while millions of people worldwide watched.

“They took a moment to face each other, to kiss and hold one another, regardless of the magnitude and spectacle of the night,” said Camille Washington, a Bay Area blogger on, a music and culture site. “That says a lot.”

The Obamas represent a welcome change as an openly affectionate and romantic couple for many Americans. Some experts say that the soon-to-be first couple embody the ideal healthy relationship, and that they can stir up love around the country. The New York Daily News even predicted a baby boom attributed to election night friskiness inspired by the Obamas.

John and Cindy McCain love each other as well. But if McCain had won the election, do you think for a minute that anything like this would have been published about them? Of course not. More likely, it would have been some article that purported to discuss what it's like for them to be married but would be a subtle, or not so subtle, criticism of the fact that Cindy brought a lot of wealth to the marriage. It would have glossed over her extensive charity work, assuming it was even mentioned at all.

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