Friday, May 06, 2005

Student who disrupted Ann Coulter's presentation speaks

Ajai Raj who, as noted previously, acted in a disruptive manner and asked Ann Coulter a lewd question after she gave a speech at UT Austin, has released a statement posted over at Daily Kos.

While reading this, I had to keep in mind that the profanity and invective that he uses is really no different from that used by Misha over at The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiller. Therefore I can't really condemn him for that. However, I have yet to hear of Misha attending a presentation by a prominent Democrat and doing his best to disrupt it.

Should this guy have been arrested? I don't know. Certainly he should have been kicked out of the room; I don't think anyone can reasonably argue against that. But I am not an expert on the law down in Texas. Interestingly, one of the first comments to the post at Daily Kos presents an argument as to why his arrest was justified, even though the commenter is himself a lefty. I don't know if his argument is correct but I must give him credit for having the courage to post it.

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