Thursday, July 01, 2004

Socialism/Collectivism on parade

According to this article:
Residents of King County, Wash., will only be able to build on 10 percent of their land, according to a new law being considered by the county government, which, if enacted, will be the most restrictive land use law in the nation.

Known as the 65-10 Rule (search), it calls for landowners to set aside 65 percent of their property and keep it in its natural, vegetative state. According to the rule, nothing can be built on this land, and if a tree is cut down, for example, it must be replanted. Building anything is out of the question.

Well, tell you what, if I can only build on 10% of my land, then I should only have to pay 10% of the property tax.

This is a clear violation of property rights. It smacks of Communism, pure and simple:
But supporters and environmentalists say personal property rights do not trump the rights of a larger community to save the eco-system.

I agree with a couple of responses to this I've already read. If they want to preserve the land, they should buy it and then they can do whatever you want with it, or not as the case may be.

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