Sunday, April 04, 2004

Props to the Kerry campaign

From the John Kerry campaign blog comes this post:
In light of the unacceptable statement about the death of Americans made by Daily Kos, we have removed the link to this blog from our website. As John Kerry said in a statement earlier this week, "My deepest sympathies are with the families of those lost today. Americans know that all who serve in Iraq - soldier and civilian alike - do so in an effort to build a better future for Iraqis. These horrific attacks remind us of the viciousness of the enemies of Iraq's future. United in sadness, we are also united in our resolve that these enemies will not prevail."

It's good to see that this line is one that Kerry and his campaign won't cross. In contrast, take a look at some of the comments. Kos himself posted part of his "apology" as a comment. Others have said that now that he's apologized, Kos should be put back on the Kerry blog's blogroll.

Funny thing, nowhere in Kos's "apology" do the words "I'm sorry" or "I apologize" appear. It isn't really an apology. It's an explanation, an attempt at justification, spin control.

And that wasn't the end of it. He continues his efforts at spin control with this post. I can't add anything to what Misha has to say on the subject, as he takes it apart in his usual fine, hyperbolic form.

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