Wednesday, February 25, 2004

The Washington Times on Kerry

This Washington Times editorial doesn't mince words when it comes to Kerry's recent "open letter" to the president.

Sen. Kerry's dead letter

This is the money quote:
Mr. Kerry's accusation against Republicans constitutes McCarthyism of the first water, and should be shunned and condemned by responsible citizens and news organizations.

The Washington Times also has this article on Kerry's voting record:

Kerry opposed key weapons

Over at the RNC site is a page which details Kerry's voting record when it comes to specific weapons programs. There was a post someone made that just listed out the things he's voted against that I wanted to use but couldn't find it so this'll have to do:

Senator Kerry's Specific Record - Again!

And just because Kerry is playing off his service in Vietnam so much, I had to include this:

Veterans Sound off on Kerry

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