Friday, January 09, 2004

And another one

I've been hearing about this for a while now. I was hoping that there was a reasonable explanation for it, or that it was exaggeration by Bush's opponents. However, given the source of the article, and the number of reports I've heard about this, it looks to be pretty much true. As usual, someone else has already said what I would have said so I'll just link to their superior words. In this case, the irascible Kim du Toit doesn't hold back and has the added benefit of experience with a truly oppressive regime.

When the election comes around this November, I'm going to find myself in the position I found myself in last year, namely that of trying to decide which is the lesser of two evils. Last year I ducked the issue by voting for Harry Brown, the Libertarian candidate. This year I'll probably go ahead and vote for Bush since the alternative (unless by some miracle the Democrats nominate Joe Lieberman) will be unthinkable.

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