Tuesday, November 25, 2003

The 9th Circuit Strikes Again

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has reinstated a wrongful death suit against the gun industry. Read about it here.

There is no question in my mind that this lawsuit is without merit. This is like suing an auto manufacturer for wrongful death if someone uses a car to run somebody over. Although the death of one person and the injuries to others is tragic, the responsibility lies with the man who pulled the trigger. The gun industry is already one of the most heavily regulated industries in this country. These companies did not do anything illegal. They are not culpable.

From the article:
Survivors claimed that several weapons companies produced, distributed and sold more firearms than legal purchasers could buy. In addition, they claimed the industry knowingly participated and facilitated an underground illegal gun market.

Excuse me? Since when is making more of something that can be sold a crime? It happens all the time. This makes it sound like they handed out surplus guns on the street to whoever walked up and held out their hands, or that the gun dealers deliberately sold surplus guns to non-legal buyers. If that's the case, then a crime has been committed, but that did not happen. As far as the bit about an underground gun market, that's a pretty incredible claim. Given the scrutiny that the gun industry is under all the time, I find it fantastically unlikely that this is the case. If there is strong proof of this, don't you think we'd have heard about it by now? Don't you think it would have been all over the news?

This is, in my opinion, an attempt by trial lawyers and the anti-gun movement working in concert to attack the lawful gun industry. The lawyers want the money. The anti-gun movement wants to kill the industry since they haven't been able to ban guns.

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