Ally at Who Moved My Truth comes a link to
this post at The Hatemonger's Quarterly which address this
subtle and nuanced exposition directed at people, such as Yours Truly, who voted for Bush in the recent election.
Therefore, for my own edification, I present the following fisking.
First of all, after accusing Kerry of betraying his supporters by conceding when he knew he wasn't going to win, which was actually an act of real class, the author of this piece, a Mr. Clif Garboden had this to say:
A lot of us effete Easterners want to know: what the fuck is wrong with you?! You voted against your self-interest at every turn (you dumb-asses in South Dakota deserve special credit for voting out one of the most powerful Democrats in the Senate) and re-elected an ignorant cowboy who can't be trusted to remember a lunch order, never mind run a country. What in the name of God ...?! Wait, it was in the name of God, wasn't it? Rendered weak and ignorant by a spoon-fed climate of fear, you slack-jawed inbred flatlanders have sought refuge in the traditional twin towers of mindlessness - jingoistic patriotism and fundamentalist religion. God's on your side. Like hell. Jesus loves us, dammit.
I love how Bush is on one hand an "ignorant cowboy" and, on the other, is a diabolical genius who rivals Hitler in his malevolence and ability to control the teeming, mindless masses. And if a belief that the United States of America is the greatest country that has ever existed and is the foremost hope for freedom and prosperity in this world is jingoistic patriotism, count me in! As for fundamentalist religion, at least in my case that really wasn't a factor at all in my decision. I can't speak for everybody who voted for Bush; I'm sure it was a factor for some people. I will say, however, that the fervor with which many liberals, Democrats, socialists, etc. believe that they are right, often in the face of direct contradictory evidence is just as great as that of those fundamentalists they decry so vehemently. Except their god is not God, it is the State. And whereas those who believe in God do not believe they should have his job, those who believe in the primacy of the State also tend to believe they should be the ones running the State. For the good of all, of course.
After going on to bash Christians for a few more paragraphs, even going as far as to equate them with Al Qaeda, he writes:
What else is bothering you self-destructive morons? What other overwhelmingly urgent issue caused you to vote yourselves into the retirement poorhouse and sacrifice the four freedoms? Gay marriage? Dig it. Right at this moment in your little picturesque insular East Silage-for-Brains, USA, there are gay and lesbian couples walking around - possibly even copulating. Really. It's been going on around you all your lives, and you've never been hurt by it. Now, if these same couples were "married" in any legal sense, they'd still walk and copulate as usual and it still wouldn't make any difference to you. You don't like or understand homosexuality? Fine. Nobody's asking your permission. But it's not your problem. And hiding it won't make it go away. Nor will persecuting gays change anybody's sexual preference. So, to put it aptly, go fuck yourselves and leave other people alone.
First of all, we see the belief that government is the answer to all problems and is that from which all good things flow. The retirement poorhouse, eh? Well, only those of us who are relying on the government (i.e. taxpayers) to fund our retirement instead of investing for it ourselves (as Yours Truly has done ever since he got his first job after college) are in danger of it and I posit that any plan which reduces government control over our retirement funds is a good one. Of course, in Clif's world, we're all just ignorant rubes and need the government, run by people like him of course, to make all our decisions for us or else we'll just screw it up.
As for gay marriage, it has been stated many times here and elsewhere that it's not hatred of gays that drove the 11 states to pass constitutional amendments defining marriage as between a man and a woman. It's the fear that liberal activist judges will impose gay marriage on the country by judicial fiat. Even Kerry himself said he does not support gay marriage. But, then, this is a subtle and nuanced argument and we inbred pukes are incapable of such so it really must be that we all hate fags and want to string them up by the busload. Yeah, right.
For the record, I count several gays, bisexuals, and lesbians among my friends and I opposed the Federal Marriage Amendment and any state constitutional amendments for reasons I will detail in a forthcoming essay. And, as I just found out, the supposedly conservative Supreme Court, you know the one that "selected" Bush in 2000, has just
rejected the challenge to the Massachusetts state Supreme Court's decision allowing gay marriage. Moving on...
Anything else? Education deform ... er reform.... Leaders like G.W. and (yes, it's a fair comparison) Hitler rise to power by exploiting the support of the weak and stupid, so it's in their interest to encourage weakness and stupidity. That's where universal education becomes a threat. Education encourages creative thought. Creative thought empowers people. Fascists hate creative thought. So it's incredibly convenient for the GOP that you folks actually want your kids to be dumb. Which is why the No Child Left Behind initiative you endorse has, in fact, done nothing! Happy? Perhaps ignorance really is bliss.
Actually, weakness and stupidity tend to result in people depending on others. And, who better to provide what they need than the government, right Clif? Education not only encourages creative thought, it also encourages self-reliance, something big-government liberals fear because it means people just might not want to have government provide everything for them, or for anyone else either. Why do you think so many conservatives are turning to alternate forms of education for their children, such as home-schooling? Why do so many wealthy Democrats send their kids to private schools? If you have kids, Clif, where do they go to school?
Clif then cements his
GFW status with this:
Gun control? We said "control," not confiscation. And there are high-powered automatic weapons most civilians really do not need. Even moose tend to come at you one at a time. "But shooting's fun!" you argue. "It's a sport." Breaking windows and driving 100 miles an hour are fun, but they're legally controlled activities. "But," you object, "how do I defend my family when the nigras and the Jews and the Communists from Harvard come on my property?" Right. Lock the gate; everybody covets your Tupperware and your chard. We'll be right over.
Breaking windows and driving 100 miles an hour are, respectively, destruction of private property and reckless endangerment. Responsible gun ownership is neither. Yes, shooting is fun, and yes, it's a sport, and no, that's not what the Second Amendment is about at all. And if nobody wants to steal anybody's stuff, then why does it actually happen? Besides, theft is not the only reason that people invade other people's homes. It's not the only reason that people assault other people, regardless of where it happens. Ultimately, though, we need to be armed to protect ourselves from the day when people like Clif gain power and decide that us mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging dunderheads are really too stupid for our own good, and everyone else's, and they send the jackbooted thugs to round us all up and put us in "reeducation camps."
Remember folks,
Hitler was a socialist.
Does it really bother you cornpone chuckleheads that "we" think you're under-educated, culturally limited, and ignorant? Well, how about proving us wrong? For starters, get this straight: there were no weapons of mass destruction; the Iraqis did not attack the World Trade Center; lots of children (including many of yours) are left behind every day; the greenhouse effect is for real; and the Dixie Chicks were right. Pin down a few of those basics and then perhaps we'll talk.
I guess he thinks a BS in Math/Computer Science is under-educated. Yes, there were and are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, along with idle production capability that could have been brought online within a short time. The administration has never said Iraqis attacked the World Trade Center, though Saddam had connections with those who did. Children are left behind because the big-government education system doesn't work. The greenhouse effect may be real enough, but mankind's contribution to it is still in doubt. The point is not whether or not the Dixie Chicks were right or wrong (after all, Natalie Maines was expressing a subjective opinion), but how they reacted to radio stations exercising their right to play what they want, and people exercising their right not to buy the Chicks' albums and see their concerts. It wasn't censorship, it was free speech. Remember, free speech doesn't mean it's free from consequences.
In its own well-intentioned way, liberalism is, when you think about it, almost as big a problem as fundamentalism is. See, as much as I disagree with you and am disgusted by the shallow and pathetic pawns you've become, I respect your potential. That's why liberal Democrats can't bring themselves to do what the Republicans do so well - cynically lie to you for selfish gain. (Do you really think Kerry would have banned the Bible?) We nice people actually expected reasoned arguments, logic, and incontrovertible evidence to convince you that Kerry was the better candidate. Turns out that the GOP's double whammy of fear and loathing is a more powerful vote-getting tool.
Too bad you couldn't actually provide any such arguments. And this article is demonstrating just how nice you are. Just like the vandalism of Bush/Cheney signs and other general thuggery aimed at Bush supporters did. And since you can't refute the arguments with valid arguments of your own, then they must have been lies, right? Fear and loathing, eh? What I feared was a socialist in the White House and I voted accordingly.
The Republicans don't care about you; they just wanted your vote so they can stay in power and make their oil-and-blood-soaked cronies even richer. They're going to send your job overseas and destroy Social Security. In the name of catching terrorists, they're going to make sure you don't read any interesting books or travel without permission. They're going to toss you a minuscule tax cut in exchange for under-funding public education and social services, so there will be more poor people around to bother you. Perhaps you will become one of them.
Why does any party want my vote? I mean, duh! As for making cronies richer, Halliburton is realizing only a small profit (something like 4 percent as I recall) from their Iraq operations. And as for allegations of misconduct on their part, they're being investigated and not covered up. Outsourcing is a minor cause of job loss and this argument doesn't take into account job
insourcing. Nor does it address the reason for outsourcing which is that it's better for a company's bottom line. That's the main reason for any company's actions. Make the US a better business environment so that US businesses can be more competitive (such as, oh, lowering taxes?) and you'll see outsourcing drop. As for Social Security, it's the biggest Ponzi scheme that has ever existed in the history of this planet. People are tossed into federal prison for doing exactly what Social Security does. Perhaps it should be destroyed, and replaced with a system of personal control of retirement accounts that allows the individual to determine what to do with his or her money. Investing that money, even in stable investments with lower return, would significantly boost the economy. And if you no longer allow people to rely on the government teat, maybe they'll start taking responsibility for themselves and get to work. Obviously that's not going to apply to everyone who is poor (such as those who are mentally ill or physically incapable), and we as a compassionate society should still take care of them. But for those that are capable, it's better to give them a hand up instead of a handout. Cliché yes, but it's cliché because it's true.
They're going to shower the pharmaceutical companies with excess profits while denying you life-saving medical attention. They're going to let corporate conglomerates fill the air you breathe with carcinogens while they discourage clean-energy research. They're going to insist the ozone layer's okay until y'all bake your little red asses off. They're going to alienate the rest of the Western world and any portion of the Eastern world that isn't willing to supply Wal-Mart with cheap labor. They're going to throw more Saddam-esque bogeymen in your face while tacitly supporting Saudi terrorists and ignoring nuclear-armed Korean dictators. They're going to rig the system so that even you law-abiding yahoos won't be able to get a fair trial. And worst of all, they're going to dehumanize your children and send them off to kill or be killed in the name of oil profits.
Pharmaceutical companies are business, like any other, and they are in business to make profits for their shareholders and provide paychecks for their employees. As for denying medical attention, where is that happening? Not here, but certainly in utopias of socialized medicine like Great Britain, France, and Canada. And the Bush administration is funding research into cleaner energy sources. Remember, folks, the wealthier a society is, the cleaner it is. You want to see pollution, look no further than emerging industrial nations in Africa and Eastern Europe. As for Saudi Arabia and North Korea, they are not by any means being ignored. But what worked in Iraq won't necessarily work in those countries and there are other options. North Korea, especially, is a reason I voted the way I did. Clif probably supported Kerry's desire to have bilateral talks with NK, which would almost certainly have ended with the US trying to buy NK off again, just like Clinton did. And look where that got us. What good is it to bargain with a dictator when he has no intention of keeping his side of the agreement? Keeping the other countries, China, Japan, South Korea, etc. involved in the process, especially when they are closer geographically and thus are more directly impacted, is a good idea. But, then of course multi-lateralism is only good when a Democrat is doing it, right Clif? The last sentence of that paragraph has already been addressed so often, I leave it as an exercise for the reader to figure it out.
And you bought into it all because you're afraid. And you're afraid because they scared you. And it was all so unnecessary. You don't have to be frightened. You (okay, most of you) aren't really stupid or helpless. I know you at your worst and best. I grew up with you; I shared outdoor plumbing with you; I complimented the dead deer hanging on your front porches. You can open your minds and accept or reject things on their merits instead of on their reputations in small-minded circles. You can think for yourselves.
Of course they scared me. "They" being the Democrats and their liberal, socialist, and communist supporters. Of course I can think for myself. And I did so. And I came to a different conclusion than you did. Can you actually accept the possibility that most of us did?
And some day, you might figure that out. Meanwhile, you deserve what we all got thanks to you, you bastards.
Here is where he is right. We
do deserve what we'll get. It has been ever thus. I will continue to point out where I think the administration has screwed up, and where they've done a good job. I expect the same from my opponents.